Social media (consumer), energy storage company

Client: RedEarth Energy Storage
Background: RedEarth Energy Storage is an Australian company that designs
and installs on and off-grid solar battery energy storage systems.
Problem: RedEarth is a unique Australian company with a premium, Australian-made product. The challengeis that nobody knows what is special about their products. Their primary medium is online which is a noisy cluttered space.
Solution: We needed to differentiate RedEarth products from the very noisy ‘solar only’ offerings of other companies. No
one in this space was using imagery of people, with most ad’s containing photos of battery boxes and solar panels. We
needed to launch a new category of off-grid solar battery systems, not discount solar panels. Our creative focussed on
the key problems facing potential customers –rising energy costs and a lack of reliability, particularly in regional areas. We
chose testimonial-style simple messaging expressing how people in the real world are using RedEarth systems to beat
price hikes, keep their homes and businesses running after weather events, and stop relying on big energy companies.
Result: The client commented that “We have more leads than we can handle” – a good problem to have.